Tuesday, October 31, 2006
3rd day report: sea/do and /tell writing
Report from Biddu.
This morning we met Kaled, Sultan and Ahmad. We answered Alberto about the reasons of the interview for the dream SEA/TELL. Then we developed the 'fiction' SEA/DO, about friends going to the 'bucket-sea'. We decided we will have 4 characters.
The first sequence is a meeting with the friends in a street in town. In the scene they decide to go to the sea. the second one is about the group of friends getting ready for the trip, the 3rd one is the trip by car. In the last scene they are enjoying the day fishing, taking sun and reading
newspaper near by a little bucket full of water.
We discuss about the style of this funny story and we talk about the 2nd and the 3rd sequences could be accelerated in postproduction (like Charlie Chaplin film!). We thought the actors will have a theatre training in order to build their own character.
In the afternoon, we went out to find the 4 locations. We took some pictures and we made some experiment. We found a fantastic place for the last scene! We annex a picture of the 1st scene. Now, we have to develop the storyboard (with all the dialogues for each actor,framing etc etc).
In this moment Stefano is doing the editing workshop.
Tomorrow is the first day of filming! (we are ready for the first ZADREAM
By all by Sultan, Barbara e Simone!
This morning we met Kaled, Sultan and Ahmad. We answered Alberto about the reasons of the interview for the dream SEA/TELL. Then we developed the 'fiction' SEA/DO, about friends going to the 'bucket-sea'. We decided we will have 4 characters.
The first sequence is a meeting with the friends in a street in town. In the scene they decide to go to the sea. the second one is about the group of friends getting ready for the trip, the 3rd one is the trip by car. In the last scene they are enjoying the day fishing, taking sun and reading
newspaper near by a little bucket full of water.
We discuss about the style of this funny story and we talk about the 2nd and the 3rd sequences could be accelerated in postproduction (like Charlie Chaplin film!). We thought the actors will have a theatre training in order to build their own character.
In the afternoon, we went out to find the 4 locations. We took some pictures and we made some experiment. We found a fantastic place for the last scene! We annex a picture of the 1st scene. Now, we have to develop the storyboard (with all the dialogues for each actor,framing etc etc).
In this moment Stefano is doing the editing workshop.
Tomorrow is the first day of filming! (we are ready for the first ZADREAM
By all by Sultan, Barbara e Simone!
on alberto's comments
dear alberto
first of all we would like to thank you for the words you spent on the ideas.
concerning the dream of the sea/tell, we want to answer you
there is two reasons for chosing the categories of people to interview
1 simplicity
it is a short short film (we need to do max 3') so we don't want too many different characters.
Also, University, barber shop and street for childrens are easy places to film for use, because we have relationship.
Housekeeper at home, for example, will be much more difficult
2 relationship with the sea
childrens havo no idea of what is the sea because they never see it.
youngsters in university can understand the sea is symbol, and anyhow know where the sea is and why they can't go here
for old people the sea is memory and stories, because maybe they lived by it
that is what we're intereted at.
We don't care on what a taxidriver think about the sea as a taxidriver.
we don't want a film about gender or work differences but about age difference about the sea.
for what about the fiction, we're working on it, now we go to see and picture the location, tonight we will tell all you all about it
Nawafeth Video Unit
first of all we would like to thank you for the words you spent on the ideas.
concerning the dream of the sea/tell, we want to answer you
there is two reasons for chosing the categories of people to interview
1 simplicity
it is a short short film (we need to do max 3') so we don't want too many different characters.
Also, University, barber shop and street for childrens are easy places to film for use, because we have relationship.
Housekeeper at home, for example, will be much more difficult
2 relationship with the sea
childrens havo no idea of what is the sea because they never see it.
youngsters in university can understand the sea is symbol, and anyhow know where the sea is and why they can't go here
for old people the sea is memory and stories, because maybe they lived by it
that is what we're intereted at.
We don't care on what a taxidriver think about the sea as a taxidriver.
we don't want a film about gender or work differences but about age difference about the sea.
for what about the fiction, we're working on it, now we go to see and picture the location, tonight we will tell all you all about it
Nawafeth Video Unit
Sunday, October 29, 2006
2nd day report: sea writing
At 9 o'clock this morning we met Abdulla, Sultan, Kaled, Basel and Ahmad. We presented Za's dreams project with its subjects:
Time, Love, War, Sea, Religion and the Other.
We told them there are three different way in which we can make a Za's dream: by telling ("say-dream"), by doing ("do-dreams), and by kissing ("kiss-dream").
We started with a brainstorming about Time and Sea. After that we focalized on Sea , and two really nice
ideas came up. This is the first one:
The theme is:
Interviews in Biddu.
The question is "what does the sea means to you?"
We decided to use two\ three location:
. children in the street
. old men in the barber shop
. guys at the university (in Birzeit, if it'll be possible)
In the barber shop Basel is going to prepare people of the shop before the shooting. We will be showing people and the activity going on in the shop.
Also the children will be shooting in wide angle while they are playing.
At the university we will not prepare students to the interview and we will use close up.
Our aim is to make lots of very short interviews.
The second idea about the sea is a very funny fiction that we will developing on Tuesday. It is a story of a group of friend that decide to go to the sea. They get ready, someone will be fishing, someone playing
and some other just taking tan, but all around a little bucket! We will work on it!
In the end of the day we did a photography workshop (framing for interviews) and a montage one.
Take care
ciao, ciao!
Time, Love, War, Sea, Religion and the Other.
We told them there are three different way in which we can make a Za's dream: by telling ("say-dream"), by doing ("do-dreams), and by kissing ("kiss-dream").
We started with a brainstorming about Time and Sea. After that we focalized on Sea , and two really nice
ideas came up. This is the first one:
The theme is:
Interviews in Biddu.
The question is "what does the sea means to you?"
We decided to use two\ three location:
. children in the street
. old men in the barber shop
. guys at the university (in Birzeit, if it'll be possible)
In the barber shop Basel is going to prepare people of the shop before the shooting. We will be showing people and the activity going on in the shop.
Also the children will be shooting in wide angle while they are playing.
At the university we will not prepare students to the interview and we will use close up.
Our aim is to make lots of very short interviews.
The second idea about the sea is a very funny fiction that we will developing on Tuesday. It is a story of a group of friend that decide to go to the sea. They get ready, someone will be fishing, someone playing
and some other just taking tan, but all around a little bucket! We will work on it!
In the end of the day we did a photography workshop (framing for interviews) and a montage one.
Take care
ciao, ciao!
first day report: project launch
report of the first day:
in today's laboratory we presented zalab tv as a net project between
palestine, tunis, spain and italy.
we put down a daily work's schedule for the next two weeks, according to
everyone timetable availability.
we'll have a main workshop, in which we'll be working togheter on the
first short film and we'll try to do the following ones as soon as we can.
then we'll have two small workshop going on togheter with the first one,
according to the partecipant interests.
a photography workshop will deal with framing, basical camera knowledge
and storyboarding.
a montage workshop will be editing a small practical exercise we have been
doing today (a presentation exercise with two cameras shooting and a
person doing the questions side).
for today is all, see you tomorrow at the same time.
kisses from everyone
in today's laboratory we presented zalab tv as a net project between
palestine, tunis, spain and italy.
we put down a daily work's schedule for the next two weeks, according to
everyone timetable availability.
we'll have a main workshop, in which we'll be working togheter on the
first short film and we'll try to do the following ones as soon as we can.
then we'll have two small workshop going on togheter with the first one,
according to the partecipant interests.
a photography workshop will deal with framing, basical camera knowledge
and storyboarding.
a montage workshop will be editing a small practical exercise we have been
doing today (a presentation exercise with two cameras shooting and a
person doing the questions side).
for today is all, see you tomorrow at the same time.
kisses from everyone
Saturday, October 28, 2006
from the palestinian guys
Today zalab tv laboratory began, togheter with stefano, simone and barbara.
we are abdulla, sultan, kaled, malek, achmad, mohamed gazi, mohamed
mansour, basel, marwan and hazen.
we are very happy about it and we are gonna try to do the best work we can!
we are abdulla, sultan, kaled, malek, achmad, mohamed gazi, mohamed
mansour, basel, marwan and hazen.
we are very happy about it and we are gonna try to do the best work we can!
القاء الاول في فلسطين
كان اليوم القاء الاول مع ستيفانو وبربارا وسيمونه ونحن سعيدون جدا للمشروع
وفريق العمل هنا (باسل ،عبدالله ،سطان ،خالد،محمد،احمد،مالك )ونأمل ان يكون العمل رائع
ونشكر زالب على هذه الجهود زستنولصل معكم حتى نجاح المشروع انشاء الله
كان اليوم القاء الاول مع ستيفانو وبربارا وسيمونه ونحن سعيدون جدا للمشروع
وفريق العمل هنا (باسل ،عبدالله ،سطان ،خالد،محمد،احمد،مالك )ونأمل ان يكون العمل رائع
ونشكر زالب على هذه الجهود زستنولصل معكم حتى نجاح المشروع انشاء الله
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
the background: what is zalabTV

ZaLab-TV is a network of already existing video workshops promoted by ZaLab, a young Italian association dedicated to participatory video productions, and Lunaria, an Italian association with a long dated-back experience in international networking projects. The first ZaLab TV international staff will be composed by members of ZaLab and Lunaria Association and by the members of the already existing ZaLab video workshops in Tunisia, Palestine and Spain. International volunteers will be also involved in all the project activities.
In its first phase (november 2006-march 2007), ZaLab TV aims at uploading a web page for promoting a permanent cross-borders, participatory video contents exchange between ZaLab video workshops in Palestine, Tunisia and Spain. In order to achieve that objective, ZaLab TV has planned the following steps:
• 1 month simultaneous and coordinated video-workshop in Biddu (Palestine), Kerchaou (Tunisia) and Barcelona (Spain), for writing a common video format to be developed for ZaLab TV web page in the next months.
• 3 months independent video production of contents for ZaLab TV web page in Biddu (Palestine), Kerchaou (Tunisia) and Barcelona (Spain), with permanent on-line tutorship from ZaLab.
• 2 months hardware and software set-up of ZaLab TV web page.
• 1 week international meeting of ZaLab TV representatives in Barcelona, Spain, for the official launching of ZaLab TV web page.