the background: what is zalabTV

ZaLab-TV is a network of already existing video workshops promoted by ZaLab, a young Italian association dedicated to participatory video productions, and Lunaria, an Italian association with a long dated-back experience in international networking projects. The first ZaLab TV international staff will be composed by members of ZaLab and Lunaria Association and by the members of the already existing ZaLab video workshops in Tunisia, Palestine and Spain. International volunteers will be also involved in all the project activities.
In its first phase (november 2006-march 2007), ZaLab TV aims at uploading a web page for promoting a permanent cross-borders, participatory video contents exchange between ZaLab video workshops in Palestine, Tunisia and Spain. In order to achieve that objective, ZaLab TV has planned the following steps:
• 1 month simultaneous and coordinated video-workshop in Biddu (Palestine), Kerchaou (Tunisia) and Barcelona (Spain), for writing a common video format to be developed for ZaLab TV web page in the next months.
• 3 months independent video production of contents for ZaLab TV web page in Biddu (Palestine), Kerchaou (Tunisia) and Barcelona (Spain), with permanent on-line tutorship from ZaLab.
• 2 months hardware and software set-up of ZaLab TV web page.
• 1 week international meeting of ZaLab TV representatives in Barcelona, Spain, for the official launching of ZaLab TV web page.
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