5th day report: the sea in Biddu

We worked at the logging of yesterday footage and we prepared the guys to shoot at the barber shop. the idea to work on other sotries doesn't make any sense now, because we can't do it without another troupe.
but the sea is a powerful subject, it includes problems and dreams, without even touching the usual arguments about occupation and conflict.
One "funny" thing is that for the children the sea is a pool (Al Qubeiba
pool, or Saffa pool), but is quite hard to make the sense of it. any ideas?!
Working on the logging of yesterday footage we developed a tipology of
answers organization:
A are the human reactions at the question,
B are the private and more intimate answers,
C1 are the more personal answers of informative type
and C2 are the general answers about palestinian situation.
we talk about the structure of the editing:
ABC, with the final surprise,
ACB, with the personal answer more charged with what we discover before,
or A BC BC BC, a kind of compromise.
we decided to work on the first one.
during the import we will take all the A and C1 we have, while we will do
a big selection about B and C2,because we have lot of material.
during the barber shop interview we asked more questions about A and C1. At the end of the day we watched the barber shop shooting, and tommorrow we will edit it!
it will be hard select just 3 minutes, but the shooting is good, so we
will work on it!!!
we are so happy that also the tunisian guys are working on the same
subject, and we're keen to see their work
that's all for today,
a hug from the palestinian guys!
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