6th day report: sea/do and time writing

and because everyone was back home, we had all the guys around, and we did a good job! we split into two groups, the first one has been capturing all the shooting for the interviews, and the second one has been working on the fiction...we have got it! we will shoot on sunday, inshallah, we have all the four characters, the props list and a storyboard idea...lets say that we'll do it, inshallah!!!
the sea/tell interviews are going in a good way, we have an idea about the three minutes film,and we also thought about a longer version (6 to 8 minutes), because we have lots of good material,and two guys in the lab that really like to work on the montage, so... why not?!
tommorow we will go again on the fiction, in order to have everything ready for sunday! anyway we already know where we are gonna shoot, and more or less what to do:
1. First sequence is a shot pan from right to left, in order to give an idea of the place where we are (on the right of the house we can see all the hills around Biddu!)and to introduce our first character.
2. Close up on him and his friends arrive (we decided already all the dialogues)
3-4. Second and third sequence will be a little more improvisation,
we will shoot with two cameras, in mohammed house and in the car.
5. For the last sequence we know we will have 7 to 8 close up on our characters at the sea, and with a pan shot we will show the real sea (a bucket full of water)and the place where they are!
Tommorrow we will also work a bit on the characters (a small theatre
training),while today simone did a really good photography worshop with two of our best cameramen!

That's all for today, we are waiting for sara,who,due to the strike in Tel Aviv is really on late, and tommorrow we will be all togheter, inshallah!!
Hi guys, it sounds all very good. Though, I have some suggestions for you...first, from now on I invite you to focus just on one story for each theme: Sea was the first experiment and it was right testing different approaches. But now I would suggest you not to get "trapped" into the fascination of multiple chances, but to bring your subject selection up the very end, that is up to chosing just one story. I mean, it's of course worth writing down all the options that you discard but that you would like to shoot anyway: in so doing you start collecting a nice bulk of good ideas that you can develop alone for ZaLab TV after the end of the workshop. On the other hand, I think that having just one sample of each theme from each ZTV hub will make ZTV programming and poruposes much clearer to a wider audience (and easier for you to follow the workshop schedule). For achieving the final choice (I now that it is always hard!) I suggest you to read carefully what the Tunisian hub is making on the same theme, so to choose stories that can have a relationship (of contrast, keenship, whatever) with the others' ones (of course I suggested the Tunisian guys to make the same).
I give you an example of what I mean: after the making off the first Dreams on sea, we can now start thinking in a little sequence of three short films shot in Plaestine, Tunisia, Catalonia, that might sound more ore less like this:
1. forbidden sea/1: a group of palestinian guys take their time-out on a bucket-side...
2. forbidden sea/2: a young girl from Kerchaou-tunisia can't take her time out on the sea side beacuse she's woman.
3. compulsory sea: a young guy from Pakistan leaving in Barcelona is forced to learn saling because he is bad at school (read Za's dreams one-pager)
This is just an example, but I think that it may help understanding how thinking in the other's work helps fine tuning your last choice.
As for a longer version of your Sea, of course why not, but never forget that uploadng more than 4-5 mb will be very complicated. On the other hand, getting used to "squeeze" yourselves in one single short output, it's a good way to focus on the very best of your shooting, and to reflect on what is the very best not in itself, but for an outern audience.
We think you're right
mainly concerning the energies that we can actually put on respecting our schedule.
We think our problem here is that we have too many ideas (most of them not visual or not realistic), and there isn't a clear perception of the difference between ideas and fact...
fra il dire e il fare non c'e di mezzo nulla (o al massimo un checkpoint)
we're of course already trying to work on the direction of sense of reality (suggesting them the reality does exist), and gettin to two subject about the time was a real pain and a real success.
by now, we'll suggest to shot only one of the ideas about time, keeping the other for after the end of this workshop. and to go on discussing, planning and shooting new subjects
Stefano e Simone
Have a glance on First Kerchaou's Dream comments, maybe there's something useful (niente di trascendentale, of course...;)
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