<$participatory video palestine wall occupied west bank film documentary zalab tv television$>

Sunday, November 05, 2006

7th day report: sea/tell editing

hello everybody!
Sara is with us, hurrah!

today (yesterday, ndr) we did the editing of our first film, for tomorrow evening it will be ready! we did some shooting in the local swimming pool (their sea!) with Mohamed and Ahmad, in order to finish the editing (we thought to finish it for this evening,but there are many visions about how the clips should stay together, and
it's really difficult. We hope we can find a consensus on some temporary
version in order to upload a draft version to share with you)

tomorrow fiction film is completly sorted out, and the meeting it will be at 7.30 am at the centre (hopefully, we will start at ten o'clock!)we saw the tunisian first movie,
excellent, congratulations guys! you did really good job, the guys of our lab were surprised (they were just wondering why you shoot the sea in the evening?!)

...that's all for today, see you tomorrow!


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